Focus and coherence are obtained in paragraphs by making sure that every sentence of a paragraph bears a clear relationship to the purpose of that particular paragraph.
Typically the main purpose or point of a paragraph is stated in one sentence. This sentence is called the topic sentence, and it is usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph. It sets your reader up for the idea that you will develop in the paragraph. The main point of the topic sentence can be developed in many ways, for example, with sentences:
- providing evidence for the main point
- giving examples of the main point
- stating logical outcomes from the main point
- applying the main point to a particular case
The important thing is that both the writer and the reader can easily see the connection between the topic sentence and the other sentences included in the paragraph.
Well-structured essays contain signposts to guide readers from one point and one paragraph to another. For example, the last sentence of a paragraph often states explicitly what is coming next, or the first sentence of a paragraph makes an explicit connection to the main idea of the previous one. Clarity demands that your reader not be left to guess why you have moved from one idea to another.
Many essays are organized in sections composed of multiple paragraphs, and transitions from one of these sections to another should be indicated. In some disciplines, this is done by placing headings at the beginning of each section. In Psychology, for example, research reports are commonly divided into sections explicitly labeled:
- Introduction
- Method
- Results
- Discussion
In cases for which headings are inappropriate, transition sentences will ensure that readers understand the connections among the sections.
Many writers delay focus on transition sentences until their second or third drafts where their ideas are in better order.
The introductory paragraph of an academic essay typically gets to the point very quickly; it does not leave the reader guessing about the intention and the direction of the essay. The introduction should identify:
- the topic of the paper
- the writer’s approach and primary claim
- how the writer will go about supporting this viewpoint or claim
The introduction typically includes a sentence, sometimes called a thesis statement, that articulates the main idea to be supported or elaborated in the essay. For more on how to develop and write thesis statements see the modules on Choosing a Topic and on Writing Strategies.
Contrary to common belief, most professional writers do not begin the writing process by composing an introduction. They may quickly draft a working thesis to get started, but they know that their ideas are likely to change as they write. Consequently the introductory paragraph of the essay is often written near the end of the process. In fact, it is common for a writer to find that the conclusion of the first draft provides an excellent foundation for the introductory paragraph of later drafts of the paper.
Academic essays typically conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the important points raised in the body of the essay. No details are provided in this summary, but it should show how the ideas of the essay come together to justify the writer’s viewpoint or claim as made in the introduction. New topics should not be placed in a concluding paragraph, but in many disciplines it would be expected that the writer would offer at least a few sentences about the most important implications of the essay.
Use your final introduction and conclusion to help you consider an appropriate title for your essay. The title should accurately orient your reader to the content of the essay. Like a strong thesis statement, the title should inform your reader, from the beginning, what your topic is and the position that you hold with respect to it.