Citation Style
Sources are cited in slightly different ways according to various disciplinary traditions. Generally, your instructor will recommend a citation style for
you to use.

Choose the citation style you prefer or that is required for your written assignment by clicking on one of the sections below. Review Tips for Bibliographies, APA Style Overview, MLA Style Overview and Chicago Style Overview located in Resources for more information.
APA Style
APA (American Psychological Association) style is the most commonly used citation style in the Social Sciences, and is occasionally used in the Humanities as well.
MLA Style
MLA (Modern Language Association) style is a commonly used citation style in the Humanities, especially in Literature.
Chicago Style
Chicago style (University of Chicago) is often used in the Humanities, especially History, and is very occasionally used in the Social Sciences. The Chicago style offers two systems for quoting references: a footnotes/endnotes bibliography system (Humanities) and an author/date system (Social Sciences).