What Happens if You’ve Been Suspected of Academic Misconduct?

According to York’s Academic Conduct Policy and Procedures, incidents of academic misconduct are referred to breaches of academic conduct. If you are suspected of engaging in a breach of academic conduct, this does not automatically mean that you will face disciplinary action. You will have a chance to explain your actions and to present any evidence you may have to support your claims.   

As previously mentioned, the University does not consider a lack of awareness of academic integrity expectations as a valid excuse for engaging in academic misconduct.  

Suspected breaches of academic conduct are handled within each Faculty offering the course, and may include:   

  • providing the student with the opportunity to respond to any allegations and a chance to provide evidence   
  • providing the student with an opportunity to appeal the finding of a breach  
  • providing the student with a learning opportunity when a breach has been found to have occurred 


For more information on academic conduct and appeals and related documentation, click the links below.  
