Using AI-Based Tools Responsibly  

You may encounter various grey areas when considering how to use AI-based tools to support your learning. The line between using them appropriately versus using them to gain an unfair academic advantage may not always be clear. As discussed, following York’s policy guidelines by citing and/or documenting when you have used them helps to generate trust in the academic community.   

Keep in mind that AI-based tools should be used to enhance your learning and not used to complete work on your behalf. If your instructor has not prohibited the use of these tools, consider ways that you can use them to expand your understanding of course material. Think about how they can support your academic work instead of undermining it. Again, if you’re unsure about what is acceptable, review the Being Responsible for Academic Integrity section to learn how you can identify the expectations in a particular course, and how to reach out to your instructor. 

Click the sections below to learn about evaluating AI-generated output. 
